P-06-1251 Secure the Right to Remote Access for Disabled and Neurodivergent People


This petition was submitted by Caley Crahart, having collected a total of 158 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

I am a student with fibromyalgia and C-PTSD. Having the ability to access my course remotely greatly benefitted both my physical and mental health. Other disabled and neurodivergent people have had similar experiences and would like the option to continue accessing their courses in this manner.

The Senedd should ensure the right to remote access to education, and further should enshrine in law the responsibility of educational institutions to dedicate complete commitment to creating an accessible, inclusive environment. Refusal of this robs disabled and neurodivergent people of the life and liberty we deserve.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Cardiff Central

·         South Wales Central